Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

wellness tips for summer

This summer, you can use your time and holistic and hormonal health knowledge to practice self-love and optimize your overall health.

In this blog, I will list some things you can do throughout summer, wherever you may be, to bolster your overall health and find inner balance. I also included some travel tips for those seeing the world.

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

balancing blood sugar

Balanced blood sugar is crucial for everyone and a foundational starting point for overall wellness. For women, having balanced blood sugar helps promote pain-free and PMS-free periods while contributing to glowing skin, improved cognitive function, optimal energy levels, stable moods, and much more. In this blog, I will discuss carbohydrates, blood sugar, the importance of healthy blood sugar levels, and how to find blood sugar balance.

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

period importance + hypothalamic amenorrhea

A healthy and regular menstrual cycle is crucial to female health. A woman’s menstrual cycle is a reproductive vital sign — its absence (premenopausal) is telling of underlying imbalances and stress. In this blog, I will discuss a form of secondary amenorrhea called hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) or functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA). I will also talk about the importance of a menstrual period, the causes and effects of HA, and ways to heal and support your menstrual cycle.

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

essential nutrients for cognitive function

Increasing research and studies show that our nutrition significantly affects mental well-being, neurological health and development, and overall emotional status. It influences immediate mood and cognitive performance as well as long-term symptoms of depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and more. In this blog, I will focus on essential nutrients for brain function, mood stability, and mental health improvement.

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

nutrition and hormone health for female athletes

Female athletes must remain mindful and protective of their unique and complex menstrual cycle fluctuations and hormone profiles. If the body is neglected (through under-eating and/or over-exercising), hormones become dysregulated, resulting in a cascade of biological changes and health concerns. Unfortunately, energy deficiency (inadequate energy intake in relation to energy expenditure) is prevalent among female athletes. My goal is to share information on this subject and help you identify or evade health complications rooted in inadequate female sports nutrition.

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

benefits of being outside

Stepping outside into nature is a beautiful, proven, and free way to benefit overall health! My favorite thing about being outdoors is that no moment is the same as another; every time I step outside, it is a unique and special opportunity to connect with the world around me. Keep reading to learn more about how being outside supports overall wellness and some fun ways to spend time outdoors during different times of the year!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

the science of stressing and tangible tips for managing stress

Let’s be honest; most of us are stressed out! Our bodies are equipped with the tools to handle stress in small amounts; however, when stress becomes long-term (chronic), it can wreak havoc on the entire body and our overall health. Keep reading to learn more about the science behind stress, how it affects our whole body and its hormones, and holistic ways to combat it!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

facts about fats and essential fatty acids

Fats are a crucial micronutrient for maintaining overall health. Fat provides the body with energy, protection for our organs, and support for cell growth. Furthermore, fats are vital for the regulation of cholesterol and blood pressure and the absorption of essential nutrients! Healthy fats will help you feel fuller longer, balance blood sugar, and help to balance hormones. Keep reading to learn more about dietary fats, different types of fats, essential fatty acids, and ways to get adequate amounts of healthy fats.

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

the importance of sleep + circadian rhythm

Getting enough sleep is vital for the body’s overall health and function. There are four stages of sleep — each one has a unique and specific purpose. Our sleep/wake cycle is one of our body’s circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock). The levels of several vital hormones within our body fluctuate in accordance with this circadian rhythm. Keep reading to learn more about sleep, why we need it, stages of sleep, circadian rhythm and hormone production, and tips for the best sleep ever!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

farming practices and food quality + cost-effective tips

Organic and sustainable farming practices are better for both us and the environment. Organic farming reduces the risks of human, animal, and environmental exposure to toxic chemicals and materials. When purchasing a food, it is important to understand the agricultural practices behind it! In this article I will talk about different labels on food and affordable tips for buying high quality products!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

balanced nutrition for overall health

The foods we consume impact the health and balance of our entire body, fueling and balancing the complex systems and functions within. The micro and macronutrients and plant-based chemicals we get from food nourish our organs, tissues, and glands (which produce our hormones). Keep reading to learn more about the importance of nutrition for hormonal and overall health, the Mediterranean way of eating, a bit on food quality, and some tips for creating balanced meals.

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

xenoestrogens in beauty products + non-toxic alternatives

Xenohormones are man-made chemicals that can mimic our hormones. Xenoestrogens, specifically, are estrogenic, meaning they mimic the hormone estrogen. These chemicals can bind to estrogen receptors within the body, which prohibits the natural actions of our hormones — xenoestrogens disturb the hormonal balance within the body and disrupt natural hormone production. In this blog, I will focus on xenoestrogens in beauty products. Keep reading to learn more about xenoestrogens, common everyday products that contain them, and my favorite alternatives!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

the liver and its importance

The liver is a vastly important organ for overall health and well-being. The liver is our body’s natural detoxifier. However, it can become overworked; if your liver is stressed, the optimal function will cease, causing hormonal imbalances, lack of detoxification, and much more. Keep reading to learn more about the liver, what puts excess stress on it, and what we can do to support liver health!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

monthly hormone fluctuations - cycle syncing for hormone harmony

Women’s moods, nutritional needs, and energy levels constantly change throughout the monthly cycle. Therefore, the foods we consume and how we move our bodies should change throughout the month as well. This will help create harmony with the natural fluctuations in our hormones. Keep reading to learn more about the natural fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle and cycle syncing as a way to combat hormone imbalances!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

the adrenals + stress response + adrenal fatigue + tips for combating adrenal fatigue

The adrenal glands, also known as our “stress glands”, produce the “stress hormone” cortisol. Their proper function helps the body deal with acute and chronic stress and perform many other essential functions. However, our adrenal glands can become overworked — this is called adrenal fatigue and can lead to various health conditions and imbalances. Read to learn more about the adrenals and ways to combat excess stress and adrenal fatigue!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

protein for women’s health

Protein is an essential macronutrient for the health and balance of our hormones and the overall optimization of our entire body and mind! Protein is the building block for every cell, tissue, and muscle within our body. Adequate protein intake is especially vital for young women! Keep reading to learn more about protein and its importance for overall health!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

balancing female hormones

Hormones impact everything we do and feel, and everything we do affects our hormones! Just as we can do things to support our hormones, many habits can also cause damage to them. Hormonal imbalance is the root cause of many conditions plaguing society, especially among women. Keep reading to learn more about hormone imbalances, their effects, and tangible tips for maintaining balance!

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Bella Kalkbrenner Bella Kalkbrenner

sex hormones and the menstrual cycle - their importance

Hormones are the body’s inner guidance system, regulators, and messengers. The endocrine system aims to maintain balance in all areas, not just the reproductive system. Hormones impact everything we do and feel, and everything we do affects our hormones! Keep reading to learn more about the importance of women’s hormones and the menstrual cycle!

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